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Author: pestengahem


Dean of Student Affairs
Act I, Chapter 03A – My arrival in the Philippines
By Pesteng Ahem

The next few weeks were a blur as I was wrapping up my many loose ends in preparation for my departure from New Zealand to take up my new appointment as Dean of Student Affairs at the Trinitas University of the Philippines in Quezon City. I was due to arrive a few weeks before the start of the first teaching period. I intended to take a few weeks off to relax in Koh Samui in between leaving The Land of the Long White Cloud and arriving in the Pearl of the Orient.

During my last trip to the Philippines when I signed the contract to join TUP, the university president introduced me to a real estate agent to help me navigate the bewildering real estate market in Quezon City. The young lady also happened to be his daughter. I guess he was trying to push business her way.

We spent two entire days visiting potential sites close to the campus. I described to her what I wanted and we visited three well-appointed, furnished condominiums during the first day. I decided to purchase the last of the options we visited. Not only was it close to campus, its top floor location had stunning, 360-degree views of the city. The unit was owned by a neighbouring city’s mayor; the unit was a gift from the developers in exchange for building approvals and the issuance of zoning permits.

The unit was perfect for my needs. It was designed as a split-level villa with a floor space of 856 square meters. There were five bedrooms, a spacious living room, a well-designed kitchen with a floating counter, maid’s quarters and ample parking in the basement. Guests could be entertained inside the unit, but large glass doors could be swung open to lead onto the rooftop covered space, which included an infinity pool.

At the end of the visit, I made the decision to purchase the unit. The real estate agent gave me some paperwork to review. We met the following day in the same unit where I spent a few hours fucking the real estate agent in her virgin ass as she gripped the balcony’s handrail. The way I figure it, since she was receiving five percent commission for the 220 million pesos I was paying for the unit, the least she could do was to bend over and take it up the bum.

She was reluctant at first. “How dare you! What kind of person do you think I am?” I calmly took out my cheque book, wrote out a cheque and showed it to her. Then, I calmly asked her to recommend another agent from her agency with whom I could close the deal. All her indignation disappeared. She even offered to head down to the local 7-Eleven to purchase the KY jelly that she used to coat my cock before I buried it in her ass. God, how I love motivated, full-service professionals!

That was almost a year ago now. As the time for departure to the Philippines approached, I was quite pleased with the team’s progress in transporting our operations from one country to another. Annika, my secretary, left a days ago for the Philippines to prepare for the team’s arrival. Saige, my PhD student, and Madeleine, my lab manager, would remain in New Zealand to finalise all remaining details, then join us in a fortnight to oversee the set up of the lab and teaching programme at TUP.

The three-hour flight from Bangkok touched down in Manila at 11:55 AM. I was out of the airport in about an hour and at the building entrance to my unit by 5:30 PM. Annika had informed the concierge’s desk of my schedule, so the building manager was expecting me. He gave me a set of key fobs that contained RFID chips, allowing me to access my private floor via the lifts. Without the fobs, the top floor could not be accessed otherwise.

The manager showed me how to activate the lifts and, with the help of a couple of building custodians to carry my luggage and personal effects, we proceeded to the unit. When the lift doors opened, I was greeted by the sight of the gorgeous Annika. Standing to the side were three young ladies dressed in maid outfits and a tall, well-built young man in a barong tagalog. The building manager and custodians deposited my bags to the side and prepared to leave. I slipped each of the custodians 500 pesos and the building manager two thousand pesos for their trouble. It was important to make a good first impression, after all.

“How was the flight, Boss?” Annika gave me a quick hug.

“Pretty good. It took me longer to travel the 16 kilometres from the airport to Quezon City than it did to travel the 2,200 kilometres from Bangkok to Manila.” I gave her a peck on the cheek, then pulled back to admire her face.

“You can tell me all about Koh Samui in a little while.” Annika took my arm and led me to the waiting group. “First, I want to introduce you to your household help. They’ve been very excited to meet you.”

I scanned the group of four. They stood at attention with eyes to the wall. One of the young ladies tried to look at me through sideways glances, but she was quickly kept her eyes forward when she felt and elbow jab in the ribs from young lady to her right.

Annika stepped in front of the young man. “This is Mr Renato Mijares. Nato was a staff sergeant in the Philippine Marines. Nato will be your driver and body man.” Nato stood 5’8″ and was solidly built with a thick neck, bulging chest and arm muscles and a fierce stare. He stood stiffly at attention.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Staff Sergeant.” I extended a hand, which he took with a strong grip. “Why did you leave the marines?”

“Sir, I was wounded in action during the Marawi siege. My wife requested that I find another thing to do.” Nato responded in the clipped, barking tone typical of military personnel.

“You’re a hero, sir,” I said to Nato. “Annika, I want you to make sure that the sergeant is treated with the utmost respect at all times. Sergeant, I would like to invite you and your family to have lunch with me tomorrow. Would that be acceptable?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” Nato barked.

“Annika, will make the arrangements.”

“Nato, why don’t you take the SUV to pick up your family in time for lunch tomorrow,” Annika said. “Don’t forget to bring your parents. Your children can play in the pool.”

Nato beamed broadly. “Yes, ma’am Annika!”

“I look forward to working with you, Sergeant. Now, Annika, why don’t you introduce me to these three beautiful ladies?” I moved from Nato and stood in front of the tallest of the three girls.

“These pretty ladies will help around the house. This is Frecious, Ashana and Lala.” I shook each of their hands in turn. Frecious had shoulder-length hair framing almond-shaped eyes, a wide nose and thick lips that were clearly made for sucking cock. She was 5’4″ 33B-26-34. At 27 years old, she was clearly the leader of the group. “Frecious is a graduate of culinary arts courses and is a whiz in the kitchen.”

“Uh-oh,” I said. “I might need to get new suits made.” Frecious smiled broadly and curtsied.

“Well, you’re in luck,” Annika continued, directing me to the next lady. “Ashana learned how a lot from her seamstress mother. Ashana will be responsible for general cleaning of the house as well as grocery shopping.” I shook Ashana’s hand. She took it with both hands and shook them vigorously. “I’m happy to meet you, Sir.”

Ashana was 5’4″ 36C-24-33. She had delicate Chinese features. She was also clearly built for sex. The maid outfit only served to emphasise this fact. Her vigorous shaking of my hand only confirmed that she had conveniently forgotten to wear a bra. If things weren’t clear to me, I felt her fingers tap my palm as she shook my hand.

“I think I may need to watch myself around you, Ashana.” I smiled and winked at her. She smiled broadly and released me hand, content that her invitation was received. I moved to the end.

“Finally, this is Lala. She has been hired for general household duties.” I shook the hand of the girl who was trying to sneak peeks at me when I first emerged from the lift. She took my hand, but didn’t meet my gaze. Rather, her eyes were fixed on the floor. “Hello,” she said.

I bent down to meet her eyes, thereby bringing a smile to her face. “Hello. It’s good to meet you,” I said.

“Hello, din.”

“How old are you, Lala?”

“Eighteen, po.”

“Lala just graduated from senior high school,” Annika explained. “She was preparing for university when a fire tore through her community and her plans were put on hold as the money for her education was needed to rebuild the family house and support the schooling of her siblings.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Lala. What did you want to study at university,” I asked.

“Tourism, po,” she squeaked in a small voice.

“Well, work hard and I’m sure that it will be in your future,” I said. Lala was tiny at 4’11” 30A-24-30. She wore glasses and her smile was decorated with braces. I would be enjoying deflowering this little nymph.

Annika continued. “The ladies have been briefed about the standards you expect. They will be living in the unit to ensure that everything is in shape. All you need to do is ring and they will attend to you. Nato will arrive every day at 5:30 AM to prepare for his duties. He will stay as long as you need him, after which he travels home. He will, however, be on call through the mobile phone after hours.”

Annika motioned to Frecious, who gathered the maids together to attend to their duties. Lala took charge of my luggage. Annika turned to Nato. “Sarge, I’ll be right back. I need to talk to the Boss in private. When I return, I want to discuss lunch with your family.”

“Yes, ma’am Annika!”

Annika took me by the arm and led me to the lounge.

“Good work, Nikki.” I was pleased with the efficiency with which she had everything organised. I was involved in the selection of the staff, so knew all about them even before they arrived. Nikki had performed thorough background checks on all of them using a private investigation agency I used for that purpose. The introductions were useless from an information point of view, but they were essential to establish the pecking order. Staff had to know who was in charge.

“Thanks, Boss.”

I ran my hand up her thigh. We were seated in the sofa. I’d taken off my coat and loosened my tie. Nikki was turned sideways with her legs tucked under her.

“I’m pretty beat from the car ride.” My hand rode higher on her thigh to feel the tops of her stockings and the clasps of her suspenders. I leaned back on the sofa. “What I wouldn’t give for one of your blowjobs.”

“Mmmmmm.” Annika licked her lips and smiled wickedly at the thought.

She brought her head closer and whispered.

“Hot and bothered after meeting the maids, are we?” She licked my earlobe. “I chose their uniforms especially with you in mind.”

My hand crept higher towards her bare pussy. For as long as I’d known her, Nikki had never worn any knickers.

“Have you sucked off the Sergeant yet?”

“Nope. I’ve been flirting scandalously with him, but his morals are frustrating the shit out of me. He’s about ready to crack, though.”

“Good girl.”

“Yesterday, as he was helping me out of the car, I gave him a look at my pussy. I took the chance to cop a feel of his package. He didn’t take the bait, though. I had to rub one out in the shower last night.” She sighed in frustration into my ear.

“Your dildo’s getting quite the workout, I take it.”

“Not really. I’ve got a few boy toys on the side. The Sergeant’s the prize, though.”

“You got that right. Remember the bet we made: Either you get him to fuck you by tomorrow or you go without sex for two weeks.” The back of my hand was now slowly rubbing the top of her slit.

“Oh, I’ll fuck him. Don’t you worry about that…”


Our private moment was interrupted by Ashana, who was standing in front of us with two glasses of red wine. She was staring right at my hand languidly rubbing Annika’s pink pussy. Annika did not move her lips from my ear as I continued to rub her pussy lips slowly. She was breathing slightly more deeply now.

I looked up at Ashana. “Thank you, Ashana. Please lay the glasses on the coffee table.”

Ashana tore her gaze from Annika’s pussy and looked at me. I smiled at her. She smiled back and bent down the place the glasses in front of us.

I took the chance to spread Annika’s pussy lips with my fingers. Ashana looked at me, then returned her gaze to my hand. She saw deep into Annika’s pink pussy as my fingers rubbed around her inner lips.

“Will there be anything else, sir?”

“No, thank you, Ashana. I will ring you when I need you.” I slowly thrust a finger into Annika’s wet pussy.

“Mmmmmmmmmm… You bastard!” Annika whispered into my ear.

“Mmmmmm,” Ashana moaned a little. “Any time, sir.” She stood watching my finger move in and out slowly in Annika’s pussy. Then, she slowly left the room.

“Fuck, Nikki. You’re sopping wet!” I continued the slow pace of my finger entering and exiting her pussy.

“You know I love being watched.” She turned her face and thrust her tongue in my mouth.

“Mmmmm…” We kissed torridly as I slowly finger fucked her pussy. After a few minutes of this. I suddenly stopped, withdrew my finger and sat up.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, my dear. Remember your bet.” I smiled broadly as I brought the finger to my mouth and cleaned it of her juices.

“Goddamnit, Boss!” Annika was flushed red with frustration.

“What’d I do?” I shrugged my shoulders in mock indignation.

“Fuck you!”

“Fuck him, sweet Nikki.” I took her glass from the coffee table and handed it to her. She took it by the base.

“Oh, I’m going to fuck the Sergeant, all right. By the time I finish with him, he’ll be as drained as a raisin!” She brought the glass to her lips and downed the contents in a single swig. She handed me the empty glass and got up to leave.

“Go get him, girl!” I smiled and took a sip of the wine. The taste of Annika’s pussy went well with the Australian merlot.

She rose from the sofa, pulled down her skirt and smoothed it with her hands. She smiled at me and said, “I’m going to have a private meeting with the Sergeant to make arrangements about tomorrow’s luncheon. Will you excuse me, Boss?”

I waved her on.

She was halfway across the room when she turned to face me. “Oh, I made arrangements for your company this evening. Apparently, there’s a television studio relatively close to us. I contacted one of the talent managers and asked discreetly about the availability of ‘personal services’. She recommended a few names. One of them will be joining you for dinner tonight. I’ve already the building manager that you’re expecting a guest. The maids are quite looking forward to meeting her. I take it this girl is quite popular locally — singer, dancer, comedienne”

“Goodo. I look forward to meeting her for dinner.”

“Yes. She’ll be here at 7:30 PM. Her name’s Denise Barbacena. Cheerio!”

I stood up and took the glass of wine to my bedroom, leaving my coat to be picked up one of the maids.

Thank you for your kind feedback. Please do let me know how I can improve my work by leaving a comment about what you liked or didn’t like.
This work is licensed by me under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests I endorse you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

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